Dress Your Essence!

Colour and Style Energetics

This work is a shift from focussing on image to understanding your unique essence and communicating it through colour and style!

With experience and qualification in many energy modalities over many years, I am one of a small number of people who do colour and style work from a perspective of understanding each being emanates a specific light vibration. I believe it's more important to dress who and what a person is, rather than to box them into an external dictate of 'what's in fashion'.

I also believe we have the power to effect change through our purchasing decisions. I support small designers who use natural fabrics, ensure ethical practices and low wastage in production.

While closets don't tend to be included in conscious leadership practices, maybe it's time they did! Your leadership matters.


We all know first impressions count. 

Does your outer presentation match the subtle messages conveyed by your energy?

More importantly, if you have a business, does your presentation match your message?

When your colours and style complement your energetic essence and colour vibration, assessed via pigments in your hair, skin and eyes, magic happens.

Others see you more clearly. You stop giving mixed messages. You feel nurtured when wearing the colours that harmonise with your light vibration.

This journey begins with a  bespoke Essence Palette.

These beautiful fabric palettes can be used for shopping. However, they are so much more than shopping aids!

Because they reflect your colour vibration, they remind you, in visual terms, of who you are at a fundamental level. 

They attune and align you with your divine gifts. 

Additional private or group coaching takes you into a deeper understanding of the psychology of your palette and supports the creation of a conscious closet.


  • your unique sacred geometry, giving attention to your body shape and shape of your facial features

  • how your clothing can align with your intentions and your message for increased integrity, authority and visibility

  • aligning your money with your values through your purchasing decisions

  • personal branding colours for websites and marketing materials and/or niche clarification.

Your Essence Palette is created using the specialist Color Profile system,
consisting of approximately 3500 different shades. 

Palette colours can be transformed to Pantone numbers for marketing materials and websites.

Inspired by the work of Suzanne Caygill, who wrote one of the earliest books in the field, "Colour, the Essence of You", my approach to colour analysis is based on a highly individual assessment that takes into account the psychological and energetic factors that make you unique. 

Dress Your Essence is a truly transformational process - and it's great fun too! 

Let's create what works for you - your lifestyle, your brand and your body!

“If we can become aware that Nature had provided us with a set of cues, and if we can
become capable of picking them up, it will be found easier to work with them than against
them. If we can appropriate Nature’s color and design, there is no need for the terrific
compulsion to search for self, when everything you need is already within.”
Suzanne Caygill

Dress Your Essence Services

Essence Palette


  • Virtual colour analysis from specified photos
  • One hour consultation  
  • Unique fabric palette selected for you from a laboratory of over 3500 colour shades
  • Personal report describing your palette and seasonal essence plus videos explaining seasonal qualities of light and styling principles
  • Personal video explaining how to use your unique palette
  • Please note: this is a foundation service and the start of a journey. For the full transformation, healing and personal growth benefits, additional investment is needed. If you are unsure which service is best for you, please scroll down to the Discuss Services button below my bio and book an exploratory meeting. (This meeting is free of charge)
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Conscious Closet Programme


  • Essence Palette, report and video explaining your palette plus 
  • Three additional hours of support, which can be taken as Zoom consultation and/or messaging for advice on styling, purchases, whether to save or get rid of items, picks/links from me etc. ie. understanding your best styles and learn how to accessorise 
  • Dress Your Essence 9 video E- course 
  • If you have already bought the Essence Palette service and decide subsequently to continue your exploration with Conscious Closet then you just pay the balance of the fee i.e. £444 (This cannot be paid via this site. I will invoice you.)
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Group - Styling Strategies

3 months


  • Essence Palette plus additional depth exploration of colour psychology and design principles
  • Closet and shopping support. (We will do some picks especially for you!)
  • Enjoy the enhanced learning that comes in a group plus the support of two experienced colour analysts who understand energy and essence! 
  • Achieve the level of understanding and mastery that comes with experimentation, expert advice and time.
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Hello, I'm Catherine

With a professional background in leadership and personal development, I have also been an avid student of spiritual pathways and energy modalities.

Colour and beauty are powerful mediums for self expression. I'm sure you may agree with me on that. What you may not yet know (because I didn't before starting this work) is how powerful colour and beauty are as agents for personal and spiritual growth.

A fascinating journey awaits if you choose to engage with it fully.

I've been deepening my knowledge for more than 5 years, apprenticing and training with several leading proponents of Caygill style palettes. 

While you will find less expensive options elsewhere, please note 'you get what you pay for'. If it's inexpensive, it's done quickly and with a simplified system that requires little training. What I'm offering is considerably more sophisticated and nuanced!

If you would like to discus your objectives and options before booking, the discuss services button will take you to my calendar to book a complimentary 30 minute conversation.

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