Relationship Readings
Answering Your Questions using the magical tools of astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys plus my expertise on relationship patterns!
Twenty years ago, a friend and I, both recently divorced, were contemplating our relationship fortunes over a glass of wine...
Friend: 'If I could discover the template for when to stay and when to go, I'd make millions.'
It might have been a throw away line for her. But, not for me. Her statement got me thinking.
A few years later, I began to study astrology and was introduced to Composite Charts.
When two people are in relationship, the relationship itself has a chart, arising from the energies of two individuals.
No doubt you've experienced how different your dynamics can be with different people.
Some relationships just seem difficult. Some never seem to reach imagined potential. Some are easy and harmonious from the start.
A Composite Chart can reveal so much about the nature and potential of a relationship. Once I had learned how to read them and tested out my skills on friends and family, I felt sure I was close to discovering the elusive template!
More recently, I've also learned to read Human Design charts and undertook a specialist training in reading relationship charts. Human Design incorporates astrological information and adds extra layers of understanding.
Would you like to understand the nature of your friendship connections, in what ways you are electro-magnetically attracted and where you need to 'watch out' due a tendency to dominate/be dominated or compromise/be compromised? Human Design tells you this!
Exploring BOTH the Human Design and astrological charts is the strongest approach.
Have I discovered the magic template?
How can I help with your soul searching questions?
I can give you information that can help you to take important relationship decisions. In particular I may help validate what you may already know deep inside.
No one can or should tell you when to stay in a relationship or when to leave. That must be your personal decision because the charts only reveal energetics and not circumstances. They don't and can't say anything about where you live, your financial situation or the level of consciousness of the parties involved. Relationships are hugely complex.
No one can or should tell you when to stay in a relationship or when to leave. That must be your personal decision because the charts only reveal energetics and not circumstances. They don't and can't say anything about where you live, your financial situation or the level of consciousness of the parties involved. Relationships are hugely complex.
What a reading can help with:
- The nature of an energetic connection and its potential. Not all relationships are meant to last forever but this doesn't mean they can't be, or weren't significant.
- Healing of broken hearts. It's easy to project hopes and dreams onto others and tough if it turns out these were not shared. A reading can help you come to terms with 'what is' and 'what was.'
- You will learn more about your own soul direction with regard to relationships. Becoming more conscious of the type of relationship that works for you enables you to choose with more confidence in future.
- Readings can also help with regard to relationships with children. Once you understand more about their energy type and how they are different from you, it becomes easier to adjust your parenting to suit the child and help them achieve their potential.
Relationship/Composite Charts
Book a reading now to experience just how illuminating astrology and Human Design can be on your path of creating mutually satisfying, life enhancing connections.
I'm Catherine.
I help my clients remove layers of conditioning in order to align with and develop their natural gifts.
I can do this by showing you who you are energetically and spiritually, with tools like astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Colour/color analysis, accompanied by coaching tools and wisdom from my trainings over decades, in spiritual and personal development pathways.
Readings are one way to start or progress your journey. Perhaps you will meet me for one reading. Perhaps you will take a longer journey with me as your guide.
I look forward to being of service, helping you to find clarity of direction and guidance for your next steps in life, love and work.